2017年3月22日(水)午後10時50分(NHK総合) 特別番組「東京ミラクルシティ」
Co-produced with the NHK Special team.A documentary project using new filming techniques is “Tokyo Miracle City.” People in general took all the movies with their own iPhones.Three leading Japanese directors will directed and edited a movie from the vast amount of material gathered. The film is a “visual encyclopedia” of Tokyo, documenting the city and its people’s activities from various angles as it undergoes major transformation in preparation for the year 2020.
March 22, 2017, 10:50 p.m. (NHK General) Special Program “Tokyo Miracle City.”
第1弾は、外国人が東京で過ごす年末年始を撮影した、「TOKYO NEW YEAR」。音楽/tofubeats。
The first film is called “TOKYO NEW YEAR”, which captures the year-end and New Year holidays spent by foreigners in Tokyo. Music by tofubeats.
第2弾は、東京に住む若者たちの感情が動かされる瞬間を撮影した「TOKYO YABAI」。音楽/DAOKO。
The second film is “TOKYO YABAI,” which captures the emotionally charged moments of young people living in Tokyo. Music by DAOKO.
第3弾は、東京の中学に通う15歳の撮影したフィクションドキュメンタリー「TOKYO GRADUATION」。
The third film is “TOKYO GRADUATION,” a fictional documentary filmed by a 15-year-old junior high school student in Tokyo.