A new Tokyo and New York-based director, Tobias Hutzler, has joined kirameki management!! He is a film director and photographer who is from Germany. He is consistently recognized for challenging a conventional interpretation of beauty and his unique transformations of light and space. He created global campaigns for a host of diverse clients such as Mercedes-Benz, Apple, VW, Toyota, Audi, Sony, Nike, BMW, and Porsche. We are looking forward to collaborating with you.
バンコクとロンドンを拠点に活動する監督、フェデリコ・マッツァリージが新くキラメキマネージメントに参加しました。フェデリコはイタリア出身、ミラノのヨーロッパ・デザイン学院にて映画デザイン学を専攻。卒業後、ロンドンの国立フィルムスクール(NFTS)にて映像を学び、ヨーロッパとバンコクを行き来しながら広告を中心にディレクターとして活躍しています。スピーディでテンポ感のある編集が特徴で車やファッション案件が得意です。作品集の問い合わせやトリートメントプレへの参加など、お気軽にご連絡いただければと思います。kirameki website : https://www.kirameki.cc/artists/federico-mazzarisi/
We are happy to announce Federico Mazzarisi is joining our roster! He is now based in Bangkok and London. Graduated in Film Design in IED Milano, European Institute of Design, he moved to London to study at the prestigious NFTS, National Film and Television School. With a background in philosophy, Federico shows a strong interest in the international narrative power of images, which has made him traveling worldwide, collecting knowledge from different cultures in stories, visual storytelling, and photography. Check out his work from our website : https://www.kirameki.cc/artists/federico-mazzarisi/
企画・制作は Mount Inc. さんにお願いしました。最初のお打ち合わせから、丁寧にコンサルしてくださり、ウェブサイトでキラメキの何を伝えるべきか、魅力は何かを会話の中から自然と引き出してくれました。mountチームと話しているだけで、素敵なウェブサイトになりそうだなとワクワクしたのを覚えています。デザイン提案では、おしゃれな海外の雑誌のように洗練されたデザインを全て印刷して持参し、弊社のテーブルに大きく広げてのプレゼン。皆笑顔になり感動しました。ウェブサイトは「速いが正義」のお言葉通り、ストレスフリーの心地良いウェブサイトに仕上がっています。
Creative Direction, Art Direction, Design:
Hidekazu Hayashi (mount inc.)
Technical Direction, Development:
Kenji Okabe (mount inc.)
Information Architect:
Tsubasa Makino, Ayame Kano (mount inc.)
Nana Terada (mount inc.)
Project Management:
Ayame Kano (mount inc.)
Copy Writing:
Yasuhiko Sakura, Makiko Miyake
Illustration Artist:
Stéphane Manel
We aimed to create a website that would make guests/visitors want to visit our site again. Feel free to check us out!
Mount Inc. spearheaded the planning and production of the website. Mount Inc. conducted thorough consultations with us, walking us through what points and appeals our website should possess. Just by our regular meetings, we could already sense an amazing outcome for our new website. During the design proposal, they brought out sophisticated designs similar to stylish overseas magazines, printed it all out, and laid it to our table to conduct brainstorming. Everyone was really impressed with the ideas they presented to us. As the saying goes, “Speed is Key”, we opted for a comfortable, stress-free website.
Copywriting was led by Mr. Sakura and Ms. Miyake. Starting with the monologue on the top page, which Mr. Sakura wrote, we conducted several meetings and discussions to revise words and phrases, and make the overall outcome unique to KIRAMEKI. We are very grateful to Mount Inc. and their team. Through our new website, we hope to foster and connect with every client, production staff, and creators to produce more wonderful projects in the future.
新しくPhotographer MASATOSHI YAMASHIRO(山城昌俊)がマネージメントに参加しました!YAMASHIROはアメリカのカレッジで写真を学び、NY・LAでキャリアをスタート、現在は東京を拠点に活動する日英バイリンガルのphotographerです。被写体の美しさを引き出す魅力的でユニークな作風は、広告やファッション誌をはじめ、リアーナやカニエウエストなど有名アーティスト写真も数多く担当しています。今回ご縁があり、kirameki managementに所属頂くこととなりました。フレンドリーな人柄で彼の作る現場の雰囲気は良く、自然とカメラに引き込まれる魅力があります。Photographer MASATOSHI YAMASHIROをどうぞよろしくお願い致します。
<Photographer:MASATOSHI YAMASHIRO(山城昌俊)>
We are very excited to announce that Tokyo based photographer, Masatoshi YAMASHIRO, has just joined kirameki management. Masa focuses on portrait photography for fashion magazine, advertising, art and entertainment. He has collaborated with a lot of artists such as Kanye West, Rihanna. He brings out the most beautiful and charming expressions of his subjects and creates impressive photographs. As He speaks fluent English and Japanese and produces a self-published magazine called “No Magazine” as his life’s work.
新しくDOP João Padua(ジョアン・パドア)がマネージメントに参加しました!ブラジル出身パリ育ち、4ヶ国語を話すDOPです。16mmや35mmフィルムでの撮影も好み、シネマティックなトーンからクリーンでスタイリッシュな世界観まで表現する素敵なジョアンを、どうぞよろしくお願いします!今は海外と日本を以前ほど自由に行き来することが出来ない状況ではありますが、日本の街や文化、写真を愛するジョアンは、近い将来日本の広告マーケットの皆さんとコラボできることを楽しみにしています!
We are excited to announce that LA based DP, João Padua, has just joined kirameki management for the market in Japan. Born in Rio de Janeiro from a multicultural background, João is a French and Brazilian citizen and fluently speaks four languages (English, French, Spanish and Portuguese). He loves to shoot with 16mm and 35mm film, and he is looking forward to collaborating with creatives in Japan!