• Cinematographer渡邉康太が新たにキラメキマネージメントに参加しました!渡邉は2016年 日本大学芸術学部映画学科卒業後、CRANKの機材部を経てフリーランスの撮影助手となり、半沢健氏に師事。ビューティ、ファッション、クルマの現場を数多く経験。2020年より半沢健氏のチーフアシスタントを務め、2023年4月に独立。現在は広告映像、MVを中心に活動中です。クリアなトーンで人物を綺麗に描くのが得意なCinematographerです。皆さんとコラボレートできることを楽しみにしています。



    Cinematographer Kota Watanabe has newly joined Kirameki Management! After graduating from the Department of Cinema at Nihon University’s College of Art in 2016, Watanabe worked as a freelance camera assistant, gaining experience in beauty, fashion, and automotive shoots. Having served as Chief Assistant to Takeshi Hanzawa since 2020, he started working independently in April 2023. Watanabe works on projects of all kinds, with a focus on commercials and music videos. Through his work, he captures the beauty of his subjects with a pure and refined tone. We are looking forward to collaborating with you.

    Check out his reel here:

  • ニューヨークと東京を拠点に活動する監督、アミン・シェイク(Amin Shaihk)がキラメキマネージメントに参加しました!アミンは日本で生まれ育ち、アメリカの大学にて映像とアートを学び、卒業後は映像制作業界にて広告からショートフィルムやドキュメンタリーなど幅広く経験。現在はディレクター/シネマトグラファーとしてグローバルに活躍しています。ユニクロのLifeWear magazineのコンテンツ映像など、ファッションや人を描く案件が多く、企画から演出、撮影も自ら手がけるディレクターです。アミン・シェイクの作品はこちらからご覧いただけます。
    website : https://www.kirameki.cc/artists/amin-shaikh/

    We are happy to announce that Amin Shaikh, a New York and Tokyo based director, is joining kirameki roster. Born and raised in Japan, Amin Shaikh studied film and art at Savannah College of Art and Design. After graduation, he began his career in the film industry. He works as a director and cinematographer for advertisements, music videos, and short films. You can check out his work from here.
    website : https://www.kirameki.cc/artists/amin-shaikh/
    We are looking forward to collaborating with you.

  • 所属DirectorのReina Hamane とCinematographer 植原 雄太 が映像やグラフィック、アートなど様々なものづくりに携わるクリエイターコミュニティCEKAIが提供する小学生向けサマースクール「CEKAI SUMMER CAMP 夏 2023」の講師を務めることとなりました。二人が提供するプログラムは、「8mmビデオカメラで撮影しよう!」です。プログラムの期間は3日間。最終目標はチームごと1本の短編映像を作り上映会を行うことです。撮影は大人の世代には懐かしい8mmビデオカメラを使います。スマートフォンや最新のビデオカメラとは違う質感を体感できる大変興味深い機会です。二人ともこの夏皆さんにお会いできることを、心待ちにしております!


    <CEKAI SUMMER CAMP 2023 夏/ 8mmビデオカメラで撮影しよう!>
    日程:2023年7月24日(月)- 26日(水)3日間
    住所:151-0062 東京都渋谷区元代々木町22−7 村世界 1F
    時間:各日9:00 – 15:00(受付開始: 8:45)
    参加費:52,000円+税 / 1人 ※オリジナルTシャツ、材料費、保険代込


    1日目 撮影内容検討、撮影地下見、撮影準備
    2日目 カメラ操作練習、撮影
    3日目 上映会準備、上映会
    ※最終日の14:30 – 15:00で保護者参加可能な上映会を開催します。

    浜根 玲奈 Reina Hamane (映像ディレクター / アートディレクター)
    植原 雄太 Yuta Uehara (シネマトグラファー)






    kirameki Director Reina Hamane, and Cinematographer Yuta Uehara, will teach at CEKAI SUMMER CAMP SUMMER 2023, a summer school for elementary school students offered by CEKAI, a community of creators involved in various creative activities such as video, graphics, and art. The program offered by the two creatives will be “Let’s shoot with an 8mm video camera!” The program will last for three days. The final goal in this program is for each team to make a short film and hold a screening. The filming will be done with an 8mm video camera, which is nostalgic for grown ups. This is a very unique opportunity to experience a texture that is different from that of smartphones and the latest video cameras. Reina and Yuta are looking forward to meeting everyone this summer!

    Please click here for application and more detailed information↓↓

    <CEKAI SUMMER CAMP 2023 Summer / Let’s shoot with 8mm video camera! >
    Dates: July 24 (Mon) – 26 (Wed) 2023, 3 days
    Address: Muracekai 1F, 22-7 Motoyoyogi-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0062
    Time: 9:00 – 15:00 each day (Registration starts at 8:45)
    Age range: 4th – 6th grade elementary school students
    Capacity: 10 students
    Fee: 52,000 yen + tax / person *Includes original T-shirt, materials and insurance

    ◾️About the program
    In this program, video creators active in advertising and music industries will serve as instructors and provide hands-on shooting experience using nostalgic 8mm video cameras. The 8mm video camera, which has a visual texture distinct from that of smartphones and the latest cameras, will be an exciting stimulus for digital-native children. Through this program, they will not only develop a creative point of view, but also deepen their interest in and understanding of video technology, while getting to experience a video production environment firsthand.

    ◾️ Schedule image
    Day 1: Review of shooting content, preliminary inspection of shooting location, preparation for shooting
    Day 2: Camera operation practice, filming
    Day 3: Preparation for screening, Screening
    *On the final day, a screening will be held from 14:30 to 15:00 for parents to attend

    ◾️ Teachers
    Reina Hamane (Director / Art director)
    Yuta Uehara (Cinematographer)

  • アルゼンチンのブエノスアイレスを拠点とするクリエイティブスタジオ、BESTIA(ベスティア)がキラメキマネージメントに参加しました。



    BESTIA, a creative studio in Buenos Aires, has joined kirameki management. 

    BESTIA is led by three directors who specialize in Art Direction and handcraft. Using a wide variety of techniques such as live action, puppetry, 3D animation or stop motion, BESTIA always finds a way to create visually stunning pieces. We are looking forward to collaborating with everyone in Japan.

    Check out BESTIA’s work here.

  • バンコク在住のDOP ピート・タイファ(Pete Taifa)初の長編映画『ハンガー : 飽くなき食への道がNetflixにて今月から公開されています!食堂で働く若き料理人が、厳しいことで有名なシェフに見出され、過酷な環境で一流の料理人を目指すタイ発のヒューマンドラマです。



    Bangkok based Cinematographer, Pete Taifa’s first feature film “Hunger” has been just released in Netflix. A young cook working in street food is discovered by a famous and demanding chef and aspires to become a top chef in harsh environment.

    Pete is a Cinematographer who is also internationally acclaimed in advertising projects. He is fluent in English and looking forward to working with you.

    You can check out his work from here.