





  • Shaping History, Shaping Tomorrow
    • The Young Director Award


Tim White
ティム・ホワイトはオーストラリアのメルボルンをベースに活躍する映像ディレクター。ティムは自身をニュージェネレーションの映像ディレクターと定義しており、少人数のクルーで、濃密なコミュニケーションをとりながら世界中を旅する過程で生まれる予期せぬクリエイションを大切にしている。早いペースで綿密に計算された編集が特徴的。「人物」や「物」をワイプに用いて軽快に場面転換する編集を得意とする。STA Travel Australiaの映像(2011)は、ネット上で話題を呼び、 掲載から24時間以内で100万ビューを超えた。慶応大学のPR映像『Shaping History, Shaping Tomorrow』(2013)は、カンヌ広告祭にてヤングディレクターアワードにノミネート。
Tim is a Melbourne-based commercial and music video director who had his first lucky break in 2011; when he was commissioned by STA Travel to fly around the world. The result was the unexpectedly successful Move, Eat & Learn films that garnered over a million views within 24 hours of release. In 2013, Tim was nominated for the Young Director Award in Cannes for his branded short film ‘Shaping History, Shaping Tomorrow’ for Keio University. He would define himself as being a part of a new generation of filmmakers who focus on creating highly engaging content with small tight knit crews; preferring unplanned and serendipitous adventures to overly styled and carefully organized shoots. His trademark has become his fast paced, intricately woven edits that give the aspirational content just the right amount of breathing room. This, coupled with his love for mixed foley and original musical scores have seen Tim etch out a corner in the market that is purely his own.